宝杯の封印 The Bound Chalice
(ガルグ=マクの底 昼)
Underneath Garreg Mach | Daytime
クロード: 穴の奥に、何かあるぞ……!
Claude: Look! There's something in that opening!
コンスタンツェ: これは……!
Constance: Oh! Can it be?
バルタザール: これは……?
Balthus: Is that...
コンスタンツェ: ……正直に申しまして、無知蒙昧な私では“始原の宝杯”かどうかはわかりかねます。
Constance: You would know best. It is beyond my ken whether that is the chalice. Curse my ignorance!
バルタザール: おおい……とんだ肩透かしだな。この杯じゃねえのか?
Balthus: Answer the question, will ya? Is it or isn't it?
コンスタンツェ: 先程の揺れ……おそらくは紋章に関係する何らかの封印が施してあったのでしょう。
Constance: That quaking earlier... Some kind of containment magic related to the Crests was in place here.
Whether intentionally or not, the chalice was released. I hesitate to suggest that those things were the cause.
Oh, perhaps one of our Crests was the key to unbinding the chalice...
ハピ: あのー、も少しハピたちにもわかるように言ってよ。
Hapi: Care to summarize that?
コンスタンツェ: 申し訳ありませんわ。私の言葉があまりにも曖昧で不可解なためご迷惑を……。
Constance: My apologies. I have caused you undue vexation by speaking so incomprehensibly.
Were I to venture a tentative guess, I would say that this is, indeed, the Chalice of Beginnings.
バルタザール: はあ? 結局それでいいのか……。まどろっこしいなあ、お前は。
Balthus: You could have just said, "This is it, all right!"
リンハルト: 封印されていた岩壁に描かれた、4人の使徒のものらしき失われた紋章……
Linhardt: Forgotten Crests resembling those of the Four Apostles, depicted on a sealed rock wall...
Objects that resemble holy armaments and a chalice that gathers magic all on its own...
I don't know of any other legends that cover all of that, so this must be the chalice we're looking for.
コンスタンツェ: 私の浅慮を余すところなく補足してご説明いただき、心より感謝いたします。
Constance: A thousand thank-yous for covering my own inadequacy with such a competent explanation.
エーデルガルト: ……慣れないわね。その卑屈なのか何なのかよくわからない二重人格には……
Edelgard: I'm still not used to hearing you speak in such a manner...
コンスタンツェ: 殿下、お許しを。ご不快な思いをさせたとなれば、この命をもって償うしか……
Constance: Forgive me, Your Highness. If I have displeased you, please take my life as a small gesture of atonement.
クロード: 事情は知らないが、俺からも頼むよ。彼女を許してやってくれ……ぷっ。
Claude: Oh, Your Highest of Highnesses, I doth humbly beg of thee to find forgiveness within your royal heart.
エーデルガルト: ふざけないで、クロード。許すも許さないもないわ。命なんて……
Edelgard: Stop fooling around, Claude. And, Constance, I assure you, there is nothing to forgive.
コンスタンツェ: ……あら?
Constance: Hm?
ディミトリ: ……雷か。これは一雨来そうだな。
Dimitri: I hear thunder. Rain is soon to follow.
ユーリス: ああ、本格的に降り出す前に、さっさとアビスに戻ろうぜ。
Yuri: We'd better head back to Abyss before the storm hits us.
コンスタンツェ: ………………。
Constance: ...
Ugh! It happened yet again. Why must my good intentions always―
Huh? What was that sound?1 It cannot be...